Sunday, December 4, 2011

E-Learning and Pedagogy

In our last session, we started discussing the impact of social media and the use of electronic devices in our students' lives. See the video attached and share with us your view on E-Learning. Should this pedagogical trend be incorporated in our teaching practice? Why or why not? In your opinion, what are some advantages and disdavantages of this approach?

Did you know 4.0.? (Click here)


  1. The numbers shown on the video do amaze me, but certainly not the impact of technology on our daily lives. We just need to look back, not too long ago we were right there teaching at our finest with the best texts and practices, technology wasn’t part of it un less we wanted to watch a movie. I don’t know if it’s my line of work or a firm belief, but I’m all for E-learning. Integration of technology into our daily teaching practices as a means for enrichment can open the door to unbelievable opportunities. Children and young adults are immersed in the world of technology and if we don’t hop on onto the information speedway we will be left behind and most certainly become obsolete in no time at all. Advantages? Unlimited resources, free and paid that can improve our teaching methods or make a topic easier to learn, fast access to endless amounts of information at the touch of a button, quick means of communication, the world lies at the palm of our hand. Disadvantages? Some teachers and parents don’t trust technology; plenty of adults are computer/technology “illiterate”, unwanted information, predators and fraud. Nonetheless the disadvantages may be scary, in the long run the fact is we all have to update ourselves and make up our minds that technology is here to stay and it provides us with an amazing tool to become better teachers. Children are riding the information superhighway and so must we, closing doors to it won’t change this fact. Why not take advantage of a video, a movie, a video-conference, and so much more? Many will argue that children don’t read anymore, that they just “copy and paste”. That´s where we come in, we teachers don’t need to teach our kids how to use the gadgets but how to find what they need and evaluate what is useful and what´s not, keep them grounded, keep them reading and keep them writing.

  2. Maia Ivelis Padilla Arias

    Well, the video was really interesting showed me a lot of things that I didn’t think about before, I really support the traditional teaching, the teacher should provide the student everything they need, but as our world goes on every day our students are becoming more aware about the internet and its uses. So as a teacher we need to be able to incorporate and change our teaching skills, to call our students attention. Even though the internet is a good source we need to remember that not all the information that is in the internet is a one hundred percent true, so I think that if we are going to leave a homework to our students we need to first investigate about what we will be doing, and look for the sources and see what we find, and then tell our students to look for it and tell them the best source. In my opinion at the end we need to be able to make our students use it and learn about it this way we can help them see that sometimes the sources from the internet are not true. We have to take into consideration that even though the internet is worldwide not all of our students will be able to afford it, we should try to do the web searches by means of our school materials and equipment.

  3. Technology is a big part of our lives. Nothing is going to change that, and everyday something new comes to the market that makes our lives easier. Some see technology as an obstacle to clear thinking and human interaction; others see it as essential in our daily lives. But the truth of the matter is that things are changing so fast sometimes we don’t even realize it.
    In relation to education, technology should be incorporated in our teaching practice since it has come to play an important role. Today’s education has to fit the human cognition. Students need to be stimulated now in ways they didn’t need to be stimulated before. Some of the advantages of using technology in the classroom are that teachers can address all the different types of learning styles and in this way help all the students succeed. It also helps them think “out of the box”, and to be more creative. Technology in the classroom is a great tool that can only enhance students learning. Teachers have to prepare students to face this “Digital Nation” in which we are living.
    One of the disadvantages of technology is that we become too dependent of it; we cannot conceive our lives without it.

  4. E-learning: “To use or not to use” that is the question. Or is the question more likely be tripartite, When to use it? How to use it and Why use it?
    When would I use it? I read this quote once, "One fact well understood by observation, and well guided development, is worth a thousand times more than a thousand words" - The American Journal of Education, 1858. So, there you go. If a term, an idea, a concept, a fact can be conveyed more clearly, then yes! If, on the contrary, by using so much technology, their creativity, imagination or initiative is stifled, then no. Which brings me to the --how to use it--. I would use it when it is pertinent, when they will truly gain more insight into something, plus an additional enjoyment and they will be really engaged and challenged. Children and adults may have the nasty habit of getting bored easily, therefore, I would not use it sooooo (emphasis mine) often as to make it a routine, or make it predictable and even worse, make them bored. Students should be kept on their toes. This then brings me to the why. Why use it? To enhance learning. To enrich my teaching. To broaden their horizons, to make them think and ponder. To use it as a starting point, a trampoline from which to jump and help them go farther.
    Advantages I think may be as many as disadvantages, but I, for one, choose to see the glass half full instead of half empty. I would just pay attention to not losing our humanity along the way or becoming insanely dependant on it to the point that if there is no electricity that day… no teaching would be done! On the other side, I am a little old fashioned. I really don’t care how much and how far we move ahead with technology, for me, nothing will beat being able to curl up in my couch or in my bed and enjoy a good book! I hope my kids discover that pleasure as well.

  5. It is really impressive to see how the world is changing in the aspect of technology. All those numbers and percentages shown of the usage of new technology today is really impressive. Traditional things used to communicate and also to teach are going to disappear in 20 or 30 years. This makes me feel sad in a way because I grew with all these things, but I guess this is how it is.
    Actually teachers have to face with all these changes and innovations, not only to use them but to incorporating them inside the classroom properly. There are new technologies that I consider they can be excellent tools for teaching. Since the world is changing fast we need to move on too, and to start to make innovations in our way of thinking and teaching.
    In my opinion we have to introduce all new technologies that can help us to teach in an easier way, but also to keep students´ attention in what is taught. We need to be concerned that technology has disadvantages teaching process too. If we incorporate technology just for incorporating it and we forget about the purposes, the goals, and the objectives we want to reach with our students, technology is not work the right way. I do agree with the incorporation of new technologies inside the classroom, but with those that help me reach the goals and objectives I traced with my students from the beginning.
    One that in this life is very important because it help us to live in proper way is balance. Having balance in life is very important because we can go straight forward and not to the extremes; Why I mentioned this because for technology is the same way. We need to use technology with our students because is necessary, but we should have a balance with it. The traditional way of teachings from my point of view has been good for the educational process so we don´t need to left it behind at all. If we continue using the traditional way combining and incorporating new technology to it we are going to have balance. So let’s keep on going being innovators trusting first in what we are as teachers.

  6. Being a person who lived in the telegram era, it always amazes me how technology has changed the way we live and how we perceive others. As educators we must be at the edge of every new invention, we have to know about them, understand them and try to apply the ones that will make our teaching experience richer. Technology has opened a Pandora box and we can´t be scared by it. Teaching can never go back to what it was for us. All these tools make learning a pleasant experience for students as it enriches the content, so, we have to learn the lingo, adapt to change and encourage our students and families to get the best out of it; but we must never forget to teach them the do’s and don’ts of technology. I remember a cartoon, back in my childhood, called “Inspector Gadget”, he had everything we could ever imagine to help himself; but he was always correct, proper, well mannered, grounded. He never used a tool at an improper time. This is how we should act and the way we should lead our students in to this new technological world. We must know the tools, how to use them so we can give them the correct tools and the guidelines to use them to be successful.

  7. I do believe we have born in a transition time. We knew the computers since we were kids, we had videogames (I’d an Atari) so we are familiar to them. But sometimes we feel we are left behind because they change very fast. We have moved a long way since the Atari though the Kinect!! And not only in video games, one example: interactive boards! Before they can only be seen in a scifi movie, now we can have them in our hands!!! I do believe technology should be used in our classrooms, actually I try to use it. But what sometimes can be a little troubling is to control its use; because you can have students working in something of the class but they’re clever and might be doing something else. I believe the key is to engage them to the class, gain their interest and of course monitor them closely. I have experimented with some grades and the results were way better to what I could expect. I gave them some ideas, but as we discuss in a previous class they are technologic natives so they can develop their projects beyond to what we think. I did not have any problem with distractions or incorrect use (which I was scared of) the entire contrary the kids were so excited to use their cell phones o cameras to make a project their brought costumes and everything!!
    I really believe that the technology regulation is still in hands of parents, teachers and any adult. If we create awareness of the correct use we won’t have any problem all the contrary we will have amazing results, we will connect with our students and will help them to develop skills they will need in a changing technologic world.

  8. It’s amazing how we have evolved through the years and sometime we don´t even realize it. As we spoke last class session , e-learning is a reality that has to be faced and most of our schools still live behind teacher´s authoritarianism and those disciplinarian rules that maintain our students away from having their own access ( cellphones, laptop, I Pads, and so on ) at school.
    As I said back in class I believe that is a social change that we need to do first, we need to understand that the world has evolved and so has the teaching methods. There are so many tools available for us to teach and make student´s life easier, there are so many ways and methods to learn in order to teach and most importantly reach each student in our classroom. We cannot forget that every student has its own way of learning; most of them enjoy more having a chat than talking by the phone, we should have an advantage on this. Personally I am a e-learning person and I am a e-teaching teacher, there is not a day that I don´t use technology inside my classroom and there are countless times when I see myself “googling” to find a project or even an interactive video to get my student´s attention and get away from routines and monotony.
    We need to get our minds in the future, not in the present as we know technology changes as I write; we need to have all the resources to reach the students that will become professionals in a technological world.

  9. This video is just letting us know how technology is moving the learning and teaching process. As educators we have to use technology as part of our daily life in school as well in our personal life, if not we lack behind of what is call “Globalization” in this days, for me using technology is something amazing since I’m working with special kids in which they can’t learn in the standard way, we use technology so they can understand better, here is when I understand that incorporating technology in the classroom is a good way to get the attention and motivation of my students, as well you can do so many interesting and innovating things with technology, in which you can engage your class to do their best. Also E-learning is making education reachable for that people that can move from one place to another and making easier and flexible to get a degree. Any way we have to be aware of how our kids are using technology, so let’s teach our students how to use it in a wisely way, in a way that they will get a benefit . So let’s look technology as an advantage in which education can change for all.

  10. We can no longer deny all the advantages that technology has given us when it comes to education. The unlimited amount of information out there can be access 24/7 and used as we please. The digital era that we live in, has forced us to wander off in its unknown territory fortunately our children are immersed in it because that is the only way they know and live by. As for us, well the ones that have been around for a while, it is still hard to realize we are lagging behind. Are we afraid of change? Is technology substituting our role in the classroom? As a matter of fact technology is here to give us a helping hand, it can provide us with new ways to engage our students and make learning interesting and fun. It also provides tools for educators to reach out and target different learning styles easily and productively. New advances in technology are incorporated in every aspect of human life, communication being the most important as well as science, etc; but it also targets education in a way that it never has before. Not so long ago it was hard for us to find sites created exclusively and for the sole purpose of helping teachers ,students, even parents in the learning process; we knew and heard of a few but the access was so limited and restricted we could only dream of using them in our classroom. As for now, new sites and blogs are being created constantly, updating information as to what works best, giving us ideas on how to improve our teaching and benefit our children. On the other hand, information is constantly changing and we should be cautious of the dangers out there; some sources of information are not reliable and can expose our children to things they are not ready for. This is a reason why, it is so important for us to guide and help them choose wisely and take advantage of everything that is out there for them to explore and learn in a very interactive way.

  11. We can ‘t put in doubt about the advantages that technology bring to us in this time for example a quick emergency call we don't have to wait to arrive home and call for notice or to ask something to one of our family that is for example in Choluteca, or to send an information by email and not by mail like people did in the past or we can make business by only using a computer or simple make a video chat with somebody that is in foreign country or even better to get information only by looking in Google instead to go to a library and stay hours or complete days library reading a lot of information and then classifying which information is useful and which isn’t but I am not agree in the addiction that this advantage in technology produce in some people one clear example was when the Blackberry wire fail many people come crazy and was desperate because they don't have the BB function. We have to make a balance a get the major approach of each advantage in technology but also we have to put limit in order to avoid the addiction because the extreme in any circumstances are bad we have to stay and maintain this balance in order that our lives come successful in all areas.

  12. Technology has many advantages, it helps us be better teachers since we can research very aspect of a class, a subject or a question that we might have, it makes classes dynamic and allows us to be guides not just the central figure in the classroom, it gives us the opportunity to engage our students in what we are doing, it makes understanding of a subject an easy task, it gives us the opportunity to enroll students in the assignments, specially if we apply the tools they like the most. Students these days know more about technology than us, that´s why when we use it they have the chance to show us how much they know or want to learn. I think technology is good if we know how to use it, when to use it and if we have a clear a purpose for it, if we become obsessed by it or if we are afraid to use it we might turn into technology illiterates. The use of technology now is not a trend is a need, it is as when people doesn´t know how to write or read, now if we don´t know a second language, especially English, and the use of any kind of technology we are obsolete.

  13. I was surprised to see all these figures. Life changes fast; but lately the speed is incredible and is because of the new technology we have available, the media exposure is highly overrated it can´t be avoid how fast news are spread and how fast people respond to them. Teachers have to take advantage of this situation and use technology to improve the teaching-learning process; but being very careful because not everything is good or real, if we don´t act with caution our students can be confused. In the classroom it can help a lot, for the teacher and for the student. Researches, investigations, homework, planning, vocabulary definitions and all the different activities we do with the students can be helped by the use of technology, we just have to make sure things are done with a good objective to make everything better, easier, nicer, reliable and most of all fun for all of us involved in teaching, students, teachers and family. The bad use of technology can take us to misunderstanding, confusion, waste of time, disrespect for others, we have to teach our children to respect private property, not to copy just to copy ; but read and understand what they copy, and to be capable to tell the difference between what is right or wrong.

  14. It is amazing to see with historical and statistical facts, how education and trends change over the years. It makes me wonder how things will change by the time my kids are my age and how will the teaching and learning will change by the time they are in school. Would they enjoy it as much as I did? Will they learn as much as I did? Will History and Art be as enjoyable as it was for me? Since converge is defined as a transition, I would rather think it’s a change; though it worries me not only to be a change; but a radical one.
    As teacher I do think we need to change our teaching styles, adapt to a convergent world, children now days are native technological learners, in my perspective I really think we need to evaluate ourselves. Are we part of this change or we just move along over the years and adapt to it.

  15. We are teachers in this times of technology , so it is extremely important for us to at least try to be updated in technology, especially for what is says in the video that we are responsible to “prepare students who will be applying for jobs that don´t yet exist”. The responsibility is big, even if we are not so very tech-teachers by now, we need to do our best in learning to use at least the most common electronic devices in the classrooms in order to be –teachers that fit in this era of technology-. Technology is part of education now a days and it is something that we can not deny, is everywhere, and is surrounding every student (and everyone) basically. Of course there are advantages, one very important is that makes easier for the students to complete researches, lectures, translations of difficult words, increases learning and the most important for them, it is attractive, but like everything, if is used in excess could become a dangerous tool for children, youth and also for adults. As teachers we need to have a good and positive attitude to face this, by learning, instead of getting overwhelmed, we need to think in how to improve teaching with technology with the purpose of helping students to qualify for the jobs of the future, and let´s be realistic, is also for us to qualify for today´s jobs and be capable to work with students in this era.

  16. Students are technology natives and they need to explore new things, as I said before this world is constantly changing as well as education and part of it is being up dated is being able to manage at least a computer. It is impressive the amount of people connected each day, more than people reading, I consider that our society its depending of these electronic devices to survive, it is true that technology makes our life easier and I can say that it help us a lot when it refers to makes shorter distances, and simplifying things for example: searching information at the web is easier and cheaper than going to a library and you expend less time, you go straight to the point and in our classrooms we can use different activities such as presentations, interactive boards, videos etc... That helps as a tool to make our classes more dynamic and with a variety of activities. But there is one thing we must NOT forget and it is that these technologies can’t replace the teacher’s real instruction and the purpose of being educated is that the students must be able to think, and develop criteria, we should not leave that technology kills our students creativity, self opinion and critical thinking instead of taking somebody else’s ideas that they can easily find in the internet. I’m not against E- learning, I consider that if we can gain students attention and participation through it that’s ok , but there has to be a balance between our teachers creed and the use of any technological tool, I think teachers should not depend on technology to give a good class but the only thing I’m surely know is that as educators we have to constantly update to improve our methods of teaching to prepare people for the present!!!.

  17. What a video!! It is amazing how fast technology can change our life!!…The human beings through history have always sought to satisfy their needs in the environment in which they operates, here is where technology comes, which is used to give a more practical meaning to their existence.
    This technology allows the man to be constantly evolving to improve the control that has the man in the world and more effectively address these needs. It transports us to places we can not reach. It allows us to be in contact with other people instantly. It also allows us to connect with the world around them and their demands.
    Technology has influenced the overall development of the economic world, communications, health, education, etc.. in a tremendous way.
    In the educational area it use is formidable in those elements or events that we can’t reach or can’t attend but using audiovisuals devises such as Data show that projects images and creates a cognitive power that enables the student an absorption to see and hear. In Interactive, Smart boards, I pads, computers, etc.. these visual displays convey information the student can interact, allows students to exchange information, to witness more simulations and learning resources. While it is true that technology has made life easier, it is also true that as a dependency has brought disadvantages of their use, a sedentary lifestyle, the wireless use is negative the waves emitted damage the body, acces to internet through cellphones, facilitates access to inappropriate sites especially in young people. Another disadvantage is that by being in constant innovation is required to always be updated.
    Finally, I think that technology is a tool that has evolved over the world and if we are wise we can get the most out of it otherwise it will do it with us.

  18. It is unbelievable how technology indispensable in our lives and our students may sometimes feel that they can’t live without it. We are educators that teach for life and we must prepare our students for what is outside, the new trends. Our kids nowadays are technology natives and as educators we have to be updated, and I believe that teaching techniques are changing so rapidly. Technology is an important tool for teachers it’s as simple as going in the web and looking for information regarding a theme, or as to ask our students to do an investigation on the web. As teachers we need to evaluate ourselves constantly and know our students interest so we can be able to approach them. We must be aware that there must be technological regulations and they must start at home with parents, but if technology is use in the correct way, believe me we can do amazing things in our classrooms. We are preparing professionals not for next month, we are preparing them for a TECH- WORLD and they must have the tools to handle it.

  19. E-learning is changing the whole model of learning in this century for school, university students, for employees, professionals like doctors and teachers. With the new technology era, you no longer need to spend long periods travelling to a place to recieve a course, now we have access to learning when you want
    it, at the time you want it day or night, wherever you want it; at home, at
    work, in your school, etc. E-Learning means that learning no longer needs to be a sitting down at a classroom for hours listening to long hours of classes, with students all sitting in front of the teacher. E-learning makes learning an active experience for both teacher and students. We all learn in different ways and that is the nice part of the variety of students we can have in our classroom. We as teachers have different methods to teach by reading,
    watching videos, exploring, researching, interacting, doing, hand on, communicating, discussing and E-Learning helps
    learners to have access to a wide range of learning resources like hand materials
    and people, and in this way each learner can have a personalised experience to choose according to what is best for us. E-Lerning, the new technology has come to be an important tool for education. As teachers we need to be constantly on top of the new advances and have all the good will to learn each day. The new tehcnology world is changing and we have to go on the same path and transmit that technology education with all the postive attitude!

  20. I believe that integrating technology in the classroom makes a big difference, and you can help save paper and ink, and it’s another way to make your class entertaining. Anyway, where ever you look, you are using technology, because its not only making use of a computer but making use of many other things that help use make life easier.
    But there are a few advantages and disadvantages.
    I have found out that like advantages you can make your class entertaining and you at the same time are engaging children into learning. Also, it makes planning easy, once you establish your objective, you can make a big difference on a child’s life. Not only are we talking about a computer, but other means of technology. For example, the IPADS are a big boom now a day, you can easily ask children to read a book or make math graph in the machine. Also, you can download some videos connected to the subject of the class. You can also play a tune or a conversation and that is also technology.
    As disadvantages, you can create a little distraction on children, like the IPAD you have to make sure that they are going what they are told and not playing or doing something else. Sometimes, you want to download a video and there is no service; or the power just went out. Teachers must have a second plan organized in case something goes not the way you expect it.
    I think that if you are going to plan a class with the use of technology, teachers have to make sure and be prepared for the ¨just in case” situations.

  21. Do I believe thar E-Learning is important in class? Yes, I’ve been discussing this with many of my colleagues. Most of us agree that “YES” we need technology in our class. Because it’s part of the 21st century. Technology it’s here and most of the kids have access to this: Television, DVDs, stereos, i-pods, computer, internet all of this is part of the technology. We, us teacher don’t need to draw any more we take the computer out and google for a picture of what we want our st. to see, but then we are using the computer to make our work easier. My question is then “do we really want to make life so easy?” How much time we lose behind the computer letting time pass by. Are we going to forget to smell the roses? I can see that their is an advantage and disadvantages: advantage we have access to more information in a faster way. Disanvantage just like everything in life everything in excess is bad for us. When I hear people saying how technolgy is important for our life, the only thing that I remember is the movie of E-Wally. Do we really want to depend so much in technology or do we still want to think by ourself what color of cloth we want to wear or let technology decide for us. Do we want to travel through space depending in a computer or our children will learn the importance of what is around us. When you ask do we need to include E-learning in our class I definitely approve but not forgeting the basics of our process of teaching. And not depend 100% in technology. We might not have light that day in school. What to do? Relly on the old school paper and pencil.

  22. In the learning process, technology can come in very handy in many ways, it can help us go beyond and vary in our activities, because it can help us access to a very wide range of information, very wide, that back in the early days it wasn’t that easy to obtain. We have a less complicated way to include technology into our work, everybody these days has to learn and work with technology in order to stay updated, we have e-mails, chats, social websites, books, information about everything etc….. These days we need technology; even technology itself is changing every minute. We should incorporated technology in our activities; due to the fact that now days we have a lot of different and new technological devices that can help us work in an easier and more practical way. For instance we as teachers can use IPads to help us vary our class and keep every kind of information we need in a more accessible way; students can use IPads as notebooks and a way to keep information, even books! I don´t see technology as a disadvantage it only needs guidance for the proper use. For some students and especially in the adolescents technology can be misused due to the wide range of information, they can find and the easy access to it. So as you can see YES I do agree that integrating technology to our classrooms and our lives is a MUST!

  23. E-learning and pedagogy
    In this present time people can't imagine their life without technology. It is helping us to live our lives in a simpler way and we are getting so used to this way of living that it has become a necessity. And our lives are becoming so complicated without it. The technology sector has changed and developed many products providing many advantages but also it has some disadvantages. Advantages a very important word is saving time. One of my favorites places is the kitchen. You may save time with the microwave, the oven, the dishwasher etc. I even have a television in my kitchen so I won’t miss my favorite programs while cooking. Another advantage is the video conferencing; my husband can communicate with his coworker of Guatemala, Ecuador, Panama and El Salvador. Disadvantages one important disadvantage has been machines have substituted people in their jobs leading as a consequence they have lost their jobs. Another disadvantage is because of cell phones and Facebook people have got in many problems since privacy has been lost. I could mention some examples but I would also invade their privacy. There're many people that can't see themselves without the new tools of the 21st century and it would be impossible to adapt as a mentioned before to a life without technology.

  24. Well done! I see that most of you favor the use of technology in the classroom. However, most of you also claim that its use should be monitored and utilized with caution, particularly for the social and pedagogical implications.

  25. I am really impressed about how important technology has become in the world, and now day everybody has to know how to deal with these new technologies, in this century technology is really a necessary tool . If you are looking for a job homework or just somebody to talk with, internet is the answer to each of those questions , it becomes part of your busy life , people can use internet to replace the mailman in case you want to send pictures or letters you can do it in less than 5 minutes, if you want to buy something you can do it without getting out of your house, it is a really interesting tool it solves most of your problem, I think this tool was used in a very smart way when Barack Obama was elected the president , another way is the speed of how we get the news of all around the world when Michael Jackson died it was really fast or some days ago when we got the news about el chavo del ocho when in a BB message all the people was sad at the same time ,cause somebody made a conclusion because of his sickness. Seconds later we knew it was false. One of my favorites parts is the one that talks about carrying technology in our pockets, because we carry the magic usb in our pocket.

  26. There is no doubt that Technology has a great impact in our lifes, as well as a big influence. I have seen how we depend on technology for every task we do. As I was watching the video I could remember the first computer I had the opportunity to use as a kid, how big it was and I believed it was the best thing in the world, now, I can say technology and all the new things that have been released by different companies, definitely are more than incredible. How that big computer now fits on my hand and is called Blackberry, and which make our lifes easier, entertained and we feel happier. It's incredible to think and realize that children now in days have the facility to use technology for learning and as a teacher it makes me so happy to know the amount of sites and devices we can count with for our amazing task of teaching. But somehow with this video I could also realize that technology has great advantages, but in my opinion it is coming to replace jobs for some people. What about those people who don't have the facilities of accesing or working on sites? or what anout those people that sell newspapers? For example, every morning I can see how difficult is now in days for the newspaper sellers on the streets of our city to sell a bunch of newspapers. While many of us just log in to a site and simplyfies the fact of stopping by and getting one. Unfortunately we live in a country where not everyone has access to a computer, which means that only a percentage of our society has an education with many assessment through internet. Not all of our children have the opportunity of receiving a good education which as a teacher committed not only to bilingual education, but education for my country, to make it a better place, makes me think that eventhough technology is improving, our country is staying way behind in education. As another disadvantage of what I could think of while watching the video is how can this new way of technology be used right? I love technology it makes my life easy, but what about our children? They have been born with technology, they are natives, but sometimes some parents just forget how dangerous technology can be and how it can disturb our childrens' minds. I think this have been some disadvantages I thought of while watching the video. As everything in life this are some disadvantages of technology I could identify. I believe technology was somehow created with a very important purpose such as simplyfying our lifes, making communication faster and easier, and to unify countries by allowing people learn about different cultures. I enjoyed the video and somehow amazed about how books are becoming just decoration of our homes and libraries, but most of all of how technology is evolving in a way to fast. I hope that in all of our education technolgy can be used, to improve the quality of learning and teaching, and most of all, I hope that teacher will not be replaced by technology.

  27. As teachers, there is no question about how important technology is in our classrooms. As hard as we may find it to understand or manage, it’s important that we provide this new technology to our students. There is no question on how much better our students are apt to work with these tools. I guess the issue is really just based on teaching them how to use them properly. There is so much useful information out there for our students. The dilemma I guess, if we can call it that, is that most of the time our students are not well informed on how to use it. It’s easy to ask my students to download a song that will be used for a class play; it’s even easier to ask them to write their favorite quote of the day on their Facebook page for all to see. Our biggest task is mainly to teach them how and when to use it. Easily we can ask our students to turn in a research paper. Most of the time all we get is a print out of Wikipedia. We ask students to make a power-point presentation and for the most part they just stand there and read it back to us. Just like we find different forms and ways to please them in their learning with different activities, I guess we can show them with our own actions and lesson plans how to make their work entertaining. We can actually challenge them to express themselves out there on a blog, video, or their own webpage. Now the honest fact is that most of them want to do all of these things, in my case, I think most of them are not really sure how to do it. That’s where I have tried to come in and guide them. It’s a hard task especially since most of the time I’m learning just as much as I’m teaching them. But nevertheless, the idea is received in a constructive manner. It’s in the oddest moments of the social life that make me question the effect of technology in the world around us. Being brought up in a home with high moral values, and well up-bringing I question how much of those values are transferred to this new generation. The inevitable boundaries in which we as teacher are confronted on a daily basis in class limit to how much of those values can be conveyed to them. Their lack of role models at home has a huge negative affect in their natural behaviors and this affects their social skills.

  28. Directly technology has made ​​essential progress in the total school, work and even simple things like watching a movie listings, music downloads and videos and even watch movies and series and on the other hand helps in the overall development of many labor issues.
    So that in schools we as teachers must be trained with the best technology tools so that we know guide students in performing them in the use of technology and trust that the progress of them is the right to study and cognositivo growth.
    But many believe that technology is an obstacle or a way that people do not develop their intellectual, in my opinion I think the use of this tool is responsible for everyone so if we want to learn more about something and there virtual libraries the advent of technology there are no borders, so that our development is learning about something bigger and even download books to enjoy a night of reading becomes radiant so that our progress is not only watch so that technology a delay becomes more of an advance, because the use of technology is the responsibility of each and how they want to use.

  29. As we all know everything is changing and technology is not an exception, as teachers we should be able to apply some of the tools that are available on the web for free and try to master at least three of them that will make our life a lot easier. On the other hand if we include our students when we incorporate these tools in our planning they will absolutely love them and feel more connected to us. We shouldn’t be afraid of technology just because we feel, we are not that technological and think that our students know more about it, because in most of the cases that’s just the way it is. At the same time when we include technology in our classroom we should explain our students that for example when they are looking for information on the web not everything is trusty, they should check in at least two sources just to double check the information. If we show them to upload information on the web they should be aware that it stays there for years and years, and people all around the world might have access to it. Sometimes including technology in our class can be a little distracting for some of our students and before this happens we should set some rules and procedures. We should incorporate technology in our class our students will love it, I truly believe that for the new generations it is in they just have it in their blood.

  30. Since the beginning of times we have faced a numerous amount of changes, and we have to admit it turns out to be somewhat like survival of the fittest. Some of us might be digital natives, born in the technological era, but this does not guarantee a complete knowledge in the area so I can not even imagine how hard it must be for those teachers who still see computers as their worst enemy, I will not even mention how they must feel about using it to give out a class. The new students are expecting to receive classes with technology since that it the way they live their regular lives, lets be honest, most of them wont look for a pencil in their houses when they need to write something down, instead, they go directly to the computer or to their cellphones. We are living in 2011, when our students graduate they must be prepared for new challenges, instead of having to take computer courses in order to learn everything their teacher failed to teach. Also, once you learn how to use it properly you will end up loving it, not only will you keep updated this way but you will also open a lot of doors for them.

  31. I think E-Learning is a very important tool and should be used in classrooms. As teachers we cannot afford to stay behind in terms technology. Technology in classrooms is a very useful tool to get our students attention and make them take a little more interest in the topics. Using technology correctly can help us evolve and become better teachers, better informed and up to date with what the world is today. With the help of this tool, we can provide an advanced education, we could maybe achieve more in less time. This does not mean that we can trust and depend entirely on the technology. As teachers, we must implement it properly and make sure our students learn to do the same. The information bank on the web and these applications is gigantic. We would do well to use it. Basically I agree with giving E-Learning a space in education but always with caution. As well as it can help... it can harm. It can be used to teach or to distract. We must learn to use it the right way, making sure it is helping instead of getting in our way. Not only is it easier to use but in these times it really becomes necessary. The more we progress the more important it will be.

  32. After watching this video many mixed ideas have come to my mind. I can begin by admitting that i was not aware of every fact that I just saw. I have come to the conclusion that technology has come to change the world, it has given it a 360 degrees shift in both ways, good and bad. I can say living and working in the twenty centuries comes to facilitate everyone’s life: teachers, students, parents and administrators in many different ways.
    Technology has many advantages that have improved one’s work but it also has some disadvantages which have come to deteriorate today’s educational system.
    Having technology as part of your daily basis as a teacher helps us by having/knowing many different and creative ways of teaching in order to please every student that we have in our classrooms due to the different learning skills each student has. With technology we are able to use many teaching and learning techniques that will maintain the student focused and interested in the topic. It helps teachers to be up-to-date with information and new activities. It helps maintain a closer communication with each student’s parents. Technology facilitates student’s communication with teachers and parents when having a doubt about some topic or an assignment; it makes the student’s life easier when searching information about a specific topic or any question they might have. Technology is an easy, fun, interesting, organized and updated tool that contributes to the new process and methodology that education has. Students have become more independent learners making education become a student- teacher focused procedure.
    Things in life are not perfect, even technology has its ups and downs. One of the biggest disadvantages I have noticed with technology is that students have deleted books from their list; they prefer having a laptop and reading random information than going to a library and spending some of their spare time reading. Students end up not putting all their effort in assignments because they just prefer sticking with the first information they find in the internet. Teachers have in a way lost their jobs because students have become more independent and learn by them self through the information they just find on line.
    I would just say that we, teachers have the power to change the way students miss use technology in their lives. Technology is a tool that in order to use all its functions in a complete and correct educational way it must be used wisely; this is when teachers should try to change student’s way of thinking and analyzing how to spend their time in order to use this magnificent tool how it is supposed to be used, in a clever and intelligent way.
